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Symptoms that Your Car Need New Brake Pads - Rock Hill, SC

18 Mar 2016

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Your vehicle’s brakes should always be in peak working condition. If you are contemplating getting your brake pads replaced, you face many choices in brake shops. The cheapest brake repair may compromise vehicle safety, and the most expensive parts may not make your vehicle any safer than standard parts.

You may not even know if your brakes need service. By looking and by listening you can check for brake wear on disc brakes. The first sign of too much brake-pad wear is high-pitched squealing. This sound comes from a wear indicator that rubs against the brake rotor to let you know that you need to have brake pads changed.

Also, look at your brake pads through the spaces in the wheels. There should be at least 1/4 inch of pad pressed against the outside of the brake rotor.

Other symptoms that your car needs brake service is pulling to one side when braking, grabbing or vibrating, and the brake pedal feeling soft when depressing it. If you hear a grinding sound, brake replacement is actually overdue and the worn brake pads can actually be damaging the brake rotors. This will result in a much more costly repair. The owner's manual will let you know the timeline for brake-related services.

If any of these signs or symptoms of brake problems are occurring in your car, visit Complete Auto Care in Rock Hill, SC.

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