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Regular Tire Rotation is a Requirement to Keep Mileage Warranty Valid - Rock Hill, SC

25 Feb 2016

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As part of your scheduled vehicle maintenance, tire rotation in Rock Hill, SC has a multitude of benefits. It helps in maintaining an even amount of tread wear on all 4 tires resulting in prolonged life of the tires, improved gas mileage, and a smoother ride.

Since the wheels need to be removed before doing tire rotation, there is then the opportunity to look over the undercarriage components. During this maintenance service, any hidden issues can be detected in the early stages which can save you money down the road if the repairs are addressed immediately. Additionally, there are many tire manufacturers who require this service on a regular basis in order to keep the mileage warranty on the tires valid.

A good rule of thumb is to rotate the tires at the same interval in which you get your engine oil changed, regardless of if your tires show uneven wear. While this is a good recommendation, you should always follow the guidelines or the recommended tire rotation schedule contained in your car’s owner manual for timing as well as the rotation pattern that best fits the type of tires used on your car.

To find out more about the recommended tire rotation for your vehicle as well as other automotive repair and maintenance services, contact Complete Auto Care in Rock Hill, SC.

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