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Recommended Tire Rotation Prolongs the Life of Your Tires - Rock Hill, SC

29 Apr 2016

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Tires tend to wear unevenly. You can counteract this by performing the recommended tire rotation regularly. The tires in front tend to wear on the outside edges because the tires lean when the vehicle turns a corner. This causes them to wear down faster than the others. Because the rear tires are most often pulled by those in front, they usually wear more evenly. This is the logic behind rotating tires, to keep them from wearing unevenly.

If you leave tires in place and neglect the recommended tire rotation in Rock Hill, SC, you are more likely to have to replace the tires sooner, often up to one thousand miles sooner. That is why including tire rotation as part of your regularly scheduled car maintenance is a must. During this service, each tire is moved to a different position. Usually, the front tires are moved to the back and vice versa. In addition, the air pressure of all the tires is checked by the mechanic and is adjusted when needed. The car’s braking system is also inspected while the tires are off the car.

To find out more about the need for tire rotation and other automotive repair and maintenance services, contact Complete Auto Care in Rock Hill, SC.

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